St. Peter’s Music Ministry before Vatican II
As we enjoy the wonderful music provided by the different choirs at St. Peter’s during this Easter season, we reflect on how the Music Ministry has changed over the years, since we first celebrated Easter in the original chapel, 200 years ago. In 1823, at the consecration of our first church in Liberty, a local paper reported on the “ladies and gentlemen composing the choir of St. John’s church in Frederick”, writing that “much credit is due …we have rarely heard such music in this part of the country”. [1] It may not have been possible for us to have our own choir for this very first Mass, but the importance of music during this sacred liturgy brought parishioners of St. John’s Parish in Frederick to Liberty – no small distance when traveling by horseback or buggy. 48 years later, in 1871 at the dedication of our 2 nd church, “the most delightful music was rendered by the choir from St. John’s Church, Frederick under its skillful organist and leader, Prof. John C...